Active Structure Fire incident reported in Vermont Knolls, Los Angeles
1 الأسبوع منذA roadway in Madera is closed due to a fire on Thursday. According to police, the roadway has significant damage
A man is in custody after fleeing Yavapai County Sheriff's Office deputies and Prescott Police officers. The man also allegedly caused a propane explosion, catching a YCSO deputy vehicle on fire
465th & 269th in the area, for a report of a possible structure fire
Downtown Minneapolis - Brief fire at the loading dock of the Wyman Building. MFD crew responding to check.400 N 1st Ave
The victim was stabbed at a nearby 7/11 and then ran to the Target
Man suspected of starting four separate fires in Santa Monica is arrested, police say
Power officials are investigating after more than 13k homes in the West Jordan area lost power this afternoon
ROAD RAGE W/SHOTS FIRED AT A CITIZEN VEHICLE: 4800 Bl. of Marlboro Pk. Coral Hills, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating a shooting with a citizen vehicle being struck by gunfire. No injuries reported
Man killed by Bernalillo County deputies outside of Walmart identified
Employee found dead at Birmingham City Hall
22-year-old accidently shoots himself after police pursuit: St. Louis PD
Man hurt after shooting at house party in Anderson, deputies say
Oxford, 2nd alarm 187 Sutton Ave, auto fire extended to a dwelling. Sutton mutual aid with a tanker
One person is dead after a vehicle crashed into a semi-truck near Pleasant View.
1 الأسبوع منذThe Bakersfield Fire Department is investigating a reported explosion at a northeast Bakersfield residence Thursday morning
1 الأسبوع منذMan dies after being shot on Farm Drive
One person was rushed to the hospital after a shooting in Southcentral El Paso
Active Structure Fire incident reported in Sawtelle, Los Angeles.
Austin Fire responding to reported apartment fire in the 1500blk of West William Cannon Drive. Reports of black smoke from 1st floor apartment
Bronx 500 E Fordham Rd.Confirmed assault with a knife. Suspect is wearing a green jacket, gray hoodie, fled in unknown direction
1 الأسبوع منذترامب: "أحد الاجتماعات الأولى التي أرغب في عقدها هو مع الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ والرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتن، وأريد أن أقول، دعونا نخفض ميزانيتنا العسكرية إلى النصف. ويمكننا أن نفعل ذلك".
1 الأسبوع منذBPD SWAT is serving a search warrant in the 600 block of Pacific street related to an ongoing investigation.
1 الأسبوع منذخلال مؤتمر صحفي في البيت الأبيض، صرح وزير التجارة الأمريكي هوارد لوتنيك أن تنفيذ التعريفات الجمركية المتبادلة قد يتم في وقت مبكر من الثاني من أبريل. قد يتم تقديم إطار تعريفة متبادلة مقترح إلى الرئيس في الأول من أبريل.
735 S Figueroa: Confirmed stabbing at the Target, 1 person with injuries. Unknown condition
3.4 magnitude earthquake. 2 mi from Hayward, CA, UnitedStates
Woman found deceased at San Leandro homeless encampment
ترامب عن كندا: "تحدثت مع الحاكم ترودو. ليس لديهم حماية عسكرية، وانظروا إلى ما يحدث هناك. الناس في خطر. إنهم بحاجة إلى حمايتنا".
"أنهى ترامب المكالمة بإعطاء زيلينسكي رقمه الشخصي وقال إنه يستطيع الاتصال به ة"، حسبما أفاد @BarakRavid. "سأل ترامب ما إذا كان وزير الخزانة سكوت بيسنت، الذي كان في رحلة إلى أوكرانيا، موجودًا بالفعل في كييف عندما حدث ذلك. قال زيلينسكي إنه وصل بعد الضربات". "أخبر ترامب زيلينسكي أن مدير وكالة المخابرات المركزية جون راتكليف ومبعوث البيت الأبيض ستيف ويتكوف سيكونان أيضًا في فريق التفاوض الأمريكي، وطلب من زيلينسكي تعيين فريقه التفاوضي الخاص".
2.9 magnitude earthquake. 25 mi from RioDell, CA, UnitedStates
90 block of Union St: Crews report an electrical fire on the roof that is now out. They are shutting off the power to the roof. Response is being reduced to just a few units. No injuries reported
Crews are responding to a report of a fire in a high rise building in the 90 block of Union St
ترامب: سأعقد محادثات مع الصين وروسيا بشأن خفض الانفاق العسكري ونزع النووي عندما تهدأ الأوضاع
METRO BUS COLLISION W/MULTIPLE VEHICLES STRUCK: 4800 Bl. of Indian Head Hwy. @MetroTransitPD on scene investigating an auto collision with a Metro Bus hitting multiple vehicles. This was an occupied Bus with passengers. Severity of injuries unknown. Bus driver transported.
4 suspects in custody after shooting in Concord
A man was shot and killed in a home in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Wednesday, police and the Cape May County Prosecutor's Office said
37-year-old man shot in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Wednesday evening at approximately 9:12 PM, police responded to the rear of 744 Park Avenue, and upon arrival, officers observed a 37-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound to the chest.
The Columbus Fire Department worked to extinguish an early morning fire at a warehouse. It remains unknown if the building was occupied
Shots fired, 1639 E 78th St, Jessica from Peoples Gas says shots were fired in the area. Chicago
Man killed by train in downtown Macon, deputies investigating, coroner says
Shots fired, 79th/Cornell. Chicago
قال ترامب إنه "قرر" فرض رسوم جمركية متبادلة، قائلا إن حلفاء الولايات المتحدة كانوا في كثير من الأحيان "أسوأ من أعدائنا" في التجارة
Police are investigating after a person was struck and killed by a MAX light rail train in Gresham, late Wednesday night
Police investigate stabbing in southwest Albuquerque
Downtown Minneapolis - Initial report of a drive-by SHOOTING at/near Loring Park. Injured party was reportedly loaded into a red/black Challenger last seen on I-94.Police found a blood trail near 13xx Willow St.Police found a possible scene near a vehicle with a Georgia
1 الأسبوع منذ4 occupied 3 story row homes were ravaged by fire at this 3rd Alarm and specials in the 1800 block of 19th St NW. Blaze took place on January 15th, 1982, 2 days following the Air Florida crash. DC firefighters
One shot, four arrested after Concord shooting: City of Concord
Shelter in place ordered in area of 2900 NE 5th Pl for a gas line that was struck during construction. PSE is onscene, however they have stated this will be an extended operation
APD officers are investigating a burglary in the 7700 block of Menchaca Rd. Suspect remains at large.The suspect is described as:Black maleArmed with a pistolHe was last seen wearing black hoodie, black plants, black beanie or face maskIf seen, call 9-1-1. Do not approach
1 الأسبوع منذمودي: كان لي لقاء جيد للغاية مع إيلون ماسك في واشنطن العاصمة. ناقشنا العديد من القضايا، بما في ذلك القضايا التي يهتم بها بشدة مثل الفضاء والتنقل والتكنولوجيا والابتكار. وتحدثت عن جهود الهند نحو الإصلاح وتعزيز "الحد الأدنى من الحكومة والحد الأقصى من الحوكمة".
1 dead, 1 injured in fatal crash in north St. Louis
Chattanooga police are investigating a shooting this afternoon at a gas station on Brainerd Road near Barger Academy
DMPD releases name of suspect shot and killed by officers
1 الأسبوع منذشولتز يدعو إلى "تغيير جذري" في التعامل مع المبادرات الأميركية الأخيرة. "يتطلب الأمر إجابة أوروبية واضحة وسريعة وحاسمة. ليس في يوم من الأيام بل ". ويدعو إلى التوسع الهائل في الإنفاق العسكري وإصلاح نظام كبح الديون ودفع المناقشات في الاتحاد الأوروبي بشأن الاستثمار في الدفاع.
1 الأسبوع منذأكد مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي على تعيين روبرت ف. كينيدي الابن وزيراً للصحة والخدمات الإنسانية
Father shot, killed in East Point McDonald’s parking lot
The Tallahassee Police Department is investigating a shooting near the 2700 Block of West Pensacola Street. At approximately 10:24 am officers were dispatched to this location in reference to two subjects suffering gunshot wounds
Tucson Fire was dispatched to a structure fire at 12:59 last night in the 6600 block of East 38th Street.Engine 13 arrived three minutes later and found heavy fire in the rear of a house.
Brownsville police are investigating an incident where a man was crushed with a dirt compaction machine on Wednesday
يقول وزير الدفاع بيت هيجسيث عن أوكرانيا: "يدرك الرئيس ترامب، بصفته صانع صفقات ورجل أعمال، أن العلاقة الاستثمارية مع أوكرانيا، في نهاية المطاف، وعلى المدى الطويل بالنسبة للولايات المتحدة، هي أكثر واقعية بكثير من أي وعود أو قيم مشتركة قد تكون لدينا، على الرغم من أننا نمتلكها".
Shots fired, Lockwood/Madison. Chicago
1 الأسبوع منذمشروع قانون قدمه الجمهوريون إلى الكونجرس لإعادة تسمية جرينلاند باسم "الأرض الحمراء والبيضاء والزرقاء" مما يسمح للرئيس "بشراء أو الاستحواذ بطريقة أخرى" على جرينلاند
الولايات المتحدة تفرض عقوبات على المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وتمت إضافة المدعي العام للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية كريم خان إلى قائمة وزارة الخزانة للأشخاص المحظورين والمواطنين المعينين بشكل خاص - وزارة الخزانة
وزير الدفاع @PeteHegseth إلى @NATO - "2٪ (من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي) هي بداية، كما قال الرئيس ترامب، لكنها ليست كافية، ولا 3٪، ولا 4٪، بل 5٪. استثمار حقيقي، وإلحاح حقيقي. يمكننا التحدث بقدر ما نريد عن القيم. لكن لا يمكنك إطلاق النار على القيم، ولا يمكنك إطلاق النار على الأعلام، ولا يمكنك إطلاق النار على الخطب القوية. لا يوجد بديل للقوة الصارمة".
Police are investigating a fatal single-vehicle crash that occurred in a convenience store parking lot along the 183A Toll road in Leander
Authorities are investigating a late-night shooting that left one person dead.
Homewood woman killed in fiery crash when car runs off expressway, lands in parking lot
Woman arrested after shooting in Woodward County
Crews battle 2-alarm fire at former historic school in west Charlotte
The Lexington Police Department is investigating after they say a man showed up at a local hospital with a gunshot wound around 1:45 a.m. on Thursday
Flash Flood Warning forSoutheastern San Mateo County.West Central Santa Clara County.Western Santa Cruz County
2.7 magnitude earthquake. 2 mi from Hayward, CA, UnitedStates
Structure Fire Winnetka.
Address: 20738 W Bryant St. Intersection: Kelvin Ave x Bryant St
Queens *10-75* Box 7559 22-58 31st off Ditmars Blvd FIRE IN A STORE 1 STORY 25X100
HCSO is investigating an overnight fatal shooting on West Village Dr. after a man attempted to break into his ex-girlfriend’s home. The suspect was shot and later died at the hospital
Crime scene tape surrounded a home in Hialeah Thursday morning as police conducted an investigation
Bronx *ALL HANDS* Box 3569 120 E 210th St off Rochambeau AveCAR FIRE IN A PARKING GARAGE
Baltimore Firefighters are fighting a house fire in East Baltimore.
No injuries reported in fire in north St. Louis
Video captured by Chopper 7 shows the damage left after a fire at a West Side funeral home
ترامب: ثلاثة أسابيع عظيمة، وربما كانت الأفضل على الإطلاق، لكن اليوم هو الأعظم: الرسوم الجمركية المتبادلة.
ترامب: محادثات رائعة مع روسيا وأوكرانيا أمس. هناك احتمالات جيدة لإنهاء هذه الحرب الرهيبة الدموية للغاية...
Binghamton,ny **lodd death** ff killed battling a 3 alarm fire last night - crews had just went defensive when a major collapse occured. Statement from mayor Jared m. Kraham on fatal fire:on wednesday night, a member of the Binghamton fire department was killed while battling a major fire in the area of 1 main st. downtown
Fire officials worked a structure fire on North Fuller Place last night
DMPD releases name of suspect shot and killed by officers
A shooting Thursday night in Ferguson left one person dead and two others hospitalized.
1 الأسبوع منذFatal pedestrian vs vehicle crash in Pasco County, FHP investigates
Phoenix Police say they are investigating an officer-involved shooting. No officers were hurt, but 2 people in the suspect vehicle were taken to the hospital
Motorcyclist killed in Columbia County crash
Constable Deputies are investigating an assault near DEERBROOK PARK BLVD/FM 1960 BYPASS RD W.
One person is in critical condition following a crash near Grove City, according to the Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Queens *10-75* Box 9556 89-26 70th Ave off Metropolitan Ave GARAGE FIRE
Cincinnati police are investigating after a pedestrian was hit and seriously hurt Wednesday night.
1 الأسبوع منذAs crews battle the fire from outside the command post is set up with a combination of old-school and new-school technology. Using aerial drones, digital site maps, and good old whiteboards the command post will control the scene and keep count of all the action on the scene
Active Structure Fire incident reported in Winnetka, Los Angeles
Austin Fire Department is on-scene at a working structure fire at 805 E Rundburg Ln.
3.6 magnitude earthquake 36 km from Ferndale, California, United States
1 الأسبوع منذHeavy rains threaten mudslides in L.A.'s burn areas, prompting new evacuation warnings. Residents, especially in Palisades and Sunset Fire zones, should prepare
3.6 magnitude earthquake. 23 mi from Ferndale, CA, UnitedStates
A man was pronounced dead after a shooting in the 1000 block of Dumont near Maryland Parkway and East Desert Inn