10 Marts 2025
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Police: Bank robbery suspect injured after being shot by officers in Covington. The two officers involved in the shooting were placed on administrative leave as the investigation remains ongoing.
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Woman killed, three family members injured in Marietta house fire. Cobb Police later identified the woman who died as Jucileide Tamplin.
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549 E 87th St: an EMS Plan I for a traffic accident. Chicago
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2 construction workers dead in Catonsville; were trapped in trench
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Deadly shooting involving two young people under investigation
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2 dead in Darlington intersection collision
Box Alarm: 800 Block of 14th Street NW - 12 story Hotel facility - Fire in room on 11th floor with smoke confined to unit and extinguished by engine company along with sprinkler activation. One adult female currently being evaluated
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Nine-month-old infant, adult male fatally shot: Officials
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Lake/State: a call of a person shot. Chicago
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Phoenix Fire is investigating a deadly mobile home fire near 35th Avenue and Beardsley Road
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Deadly shooting in an Orange County neighborhood, according to deputies
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Glendale PD has confirmed one of their own officers was killed when he crashed into a median on Loop 303 in Peoria near Happy Valley Road
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Firefighters are currently on the scene of a fatal mobile home fire near 35th Ave. & Deer Valley Rd. There are no firefighter injuries and investigators are en route to determine a cause
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Queens *ALL HANDS* Box 6061 126-17 Liberty Ave FIRE IN A LAUNDROMAT
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Fire Alarm at Tribune Apartments
Pilot and passenger identified in deadly helicopter crash near Kinney-Uvalde County line1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Pilot and passenger identified in deadly helicopter crash near Kinney-Uvalde County line
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Minneapolis Lowry Hill - Responders on site of a structure fire. 8xx Douglas Ave, apartment fire in one unit
Central, K9 and FOX have a suspect in custody 5300 Nolda. Male was located on top of a warehouse1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Central, K9 and FOX have a suspect in custody 5300 Nolda. Male was located on top of a warehouse
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The victim at 56th and Georgetown has died
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Man in critical condition after shooting at Highway 99 intersection in Turlock
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Laramie/Ferdinand: Michael says 2 male Blacks carjacked him at gunpoint for his silver Hyundai Sonata and then fled up Laramie
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An investigation has been launched after a person was shot and killed on the northwest side of Indianapolis Friday night
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An investigation has been launched after a person was shot and killed on the northwest side of Indianapolis Friday night
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Shots fired, 800 N Trumbull. Chicago
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Minneapolis - Robbery of person. Backpack taken by force Occurred on a Metro Transit bus 26th and Chicago Ave Suspect: WM in a ski mask, all black clothing, and white shoes
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Authorities in Orange County are responding to a shooting incident that has left three injured
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Brooklyn Center - STABBING reportedly occurred at the Transit Center. Initially reported as occurring at a bus stop at E Franklin and Chicago Ave. Info was coming to police from a 3rd party.The injured party is being privately transported to HCMC
Following three shootings across Indianapolis tonight:-1 dead after fight inside Texas Roadhouse on Southport road leads to a shooting, off-duty cop detained person of interest-1 critical after shooting at Brookside park1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Following three shootings across Indianapolis tonight:-1 dead after fight inside Texas Roadhouse on Southport road leads to a shooting, off-duty cop detained person of interest-1 critical after shooting at Brookside park
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Hudson moped rider killed after being struck by car in southern Caldwell County; other driver charged
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2542 W 102nd Pl: a call of a fire, 3 teens have bonfires setup and they are throwing sticks into the fire, caller is concerned because his house is on that block
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Arrest made after deadly shooting in southeast Memphis, records show
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Apartment Fire (Fort Worth) Engine 6 is on scene with heavy fire showing from an apartment building in the 3100 block of Hamilton Avenue. Working fire declared
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South Minneapolis - Shotspotter activation 10 rounds. 6xx E 18th St
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AFD on scene of an apartment fire with fire through the roof in the 2600 blk of Wheless Ln in NE Austin. Crews are actively working to extinguish the fire
Tramps atstāj DC uz Mar-a-Lago un stāsta mums, ka Zelenskis vēlas "tūlīt atgriezties", bet "es šobrīd nevaru viņu ļaut atpakaļ".
Donalds Tramps pēc aiziešanas no Baltā nama uz Mar-a-Lago mums pastāstīja, ka Volodimirs Zelenskis ir atteicies runāt par pamieru un neizrāda nevēlēšanos vienoties par mieru. Viņš kritizēja Ukrainas līderi par vairākkārtēju uzbrukumu Putinam, ko viņš uzskatīja par "nepiemērotu un nepareizu", un apsūdzēja viņu necieņā pret saviem saimniekiem. Jautāts, vai Zelenskim vajadzētu atkāpties no amata, Tramps sacīja, ka viņam nav vienalga, kas valda Ukrainā, taču tam ir jābūt kādam, kurš vēlas "nopietni" risināt sarunas. "Tas ir izgājis no rokām," viņš teica. "Un viņam nav kāršu, lai spēlētu šo spēli."
Tramps: Mēs meklējam mieru, nevis 10 gadu karu. Lai atsāktu sarunas, Zelenskim jāpaziņo par savu vēlmi pēc miera.
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A second student was shot during the fight near Pasadena Memorial High School this afternoon, police said
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Man Stabbed and Bitten on Graham Avenue subway platform in Williamsburg Brooklyn. A 58-year-old male was stabbed on board a Manhattan bound L train. The individual was stabbed in his right shoulder as well as bitten on top of his head
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Man stabbed in shoulder, bitten on head aboard L train in Williamsburg, Brooklyn New
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Birmingham police arrest 18-year-old in connection to fatal shooting
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Two Pasadena ISD students were shot during a fight after school on Friday, according to the district
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A Chevrolet Camaro that fled the scene of a street race was located and impounded Friday morning by Bakersfield police officers
Trampa administrācija apsver iespēju izbeigt visus notiekošos militārās palīdzības sūtījumus uz Ukrainu, reaģējot uz Zelenska izteikumiem piektdien Ovālajā kabinetā un viņa uztverto nepiekāpību miera procesā, uz vienu augstāko administrācijas amatpersonu, - Washington Post
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7270 S South Shore Drive: a fire.Chicago
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Cedar Rapids Police are investigating a body found Friday morning in the 2100 block of Westdale Drive South-West
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E 14th & E University, Officers fighting with one
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Police-involved shooting in @ChicagoCAPS04 is 114th & Ave. G. @Area2Detectives and Investigative Response Team on scene. Additional information to follow. ChicagoPoliceMedia staging for police-involved shooting in the 004th District is 114th & Ave. G.
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North Minneapolis - Robbery at gunpoint by 4 BM in a silver Hyundai sedan.29xx Newton Ave NLoss: Wallet, cash, cards15:35
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Shots fired, 8147 S Vincennes, caller says 2-3 shots were fired outside of Simeon High School. Chicago
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Omaha Fire is battling a second brush fire near I-680 and north of Maple Street
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Bronx *10-75* Box 3697 730 E 227th St off Barnes Ave FIRE 3RD FLOOR
crew is on the scene trying to learn more about an apparent shooting at the King Soopers in Monument. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office said it was responding to the scene just after 1:30 p.m. on Friday,1 nedēļa atpakaļ
crew is on the scene trying to learn more about an apparent shooting at the King Soopers in Monument. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office said it was responding to the scene just after 1:30 p.m. on Friday,
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1 injured in officer-involved shooting in NKY
Dryer fire 5600 Block Colorado Ave. NW Basement dryer on fire. Fire extinguished. No reported injuries. DC firefighters
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South Minneapolis - STABBING. 29xx 16th Ave S
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Covington,ky **officer involved shooting** 1 suspect down with multiple gsw - no officer injuries
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MargaritaFire in De Luz Fire spread has been stopped at 1.25 acres. Firefighters remain on scene to construct handline around the fire and cool hot spots
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Crews are responding to a vegetation fire near the Santa Margarita River Trail and and County Park Trail, Cal Fire confirmed
Police activity, 12700 block Valley View Avenue LaMirada unconfirmed report of a shooting1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Police activity, 12700 block Valley View Avenue LaMirada unconfirmed report of a shooting
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Aizsardzības ministrs ir licis ASV Kiberpavēlniecībai atteikties no jebkādas plānošanas pret Krieviju, tostarp aizskarošām digitālajām darbībām, vēsta avoti Recorded Future News.
WOW. 4.8 Magnitude earthquake just outside of Midland, TX earlier. Any texas people feel this one1 nedēļa atpakaļ
WOW. 4.8 Magnitude earthquake just outside of Midland, TX earlier. Any texas people feel this one
TWO KILLED IN HELICOPTER CRASH    helicopter has crashed on a ranch outside of San Antonio, killing two people on board1 nedēļa atpakaļ
TWO KILLED IN HELICOPTER CRASH helicopter has crashed on a ranch outside of San Antonio, killing two people on board
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A suspect was arrested in connection with a shooting at a Lemon Grove park that left a man dead, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office announced Friday
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400 block Roycroft Drive - shots into a house
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EMS is on scene in the alley at 114th and Ave G for the offender shot, requesting a 2nd Ambo for a PO to get looked at. Chicago
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Police were dispatched for a man and woman fighting for the 600 block of West Jackson
@CALFIRESANDIEGO is at scene with @NorthCountyFire of a vegetation fire near Santa Margarita River Trail and County Park Trail, north of Fallbrook in De Luz. Fire is one acre, slow spread in brush1 nedēļa atpakaļ
@CALFIRESANDIEGO is at scene with @NorthCountyFire of a vegetation fire near Santa Margarita River Trail and County Park Trail, north of Fallbrook in De Luz. Fire is one acre, slow spread in brush
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3900 E 114th St: 10-1..SHOTS FIRED BY THE POLICE..Chicago
FATAL CRASH involving a tractor trailer on Norbeck Rd at Layhill Rd in Montgomery County, MD.MCP’s Crash Reconstruction Unit on scene now.1 nedēļa atpakaļ
FATAL CRASH involving a tractor trailer on Norbeck Rd at Layhill Rd in Montgomery County, MD.MCP’s Crash Reconstruction Unit on scene now.
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 26 km SW of Ackerly, Texas
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 24 km SW of Ackerly, Texas
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Fulton Co: Brush fire on Fulton Industrial Blvd at I-20 has Fulton Industrial Blvd/nb blocked & causing delays on I-20 in both directions
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Shots Fired: city employee reported he was about to tag a vehicle, some sort of violation, and someone fired a shot from inside a residence at Pembroke & Vaughan. Multiple 8th Precinct units…
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Occupied Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Pearl & W Vernor with a working occupied dwelling fire. Engine 37 is stretched, there are civilian injuries on scene. DEMS Medic 9 responding. Battalion Chief 7 has incident command. BC5 is the safety officer
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9900 Bl. of Jacqueline Dr. Friendly, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a knife
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Hartford Police Activity area of 20 Rutland St - Female stabbing victim - HPD reports no serious injuries - Reported as domestic related
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Coventry 2nd Alarm 1100 block of Main St - Fire in a 2.5 story dwelling - Reported as a partition fire - Mutual Aid assisting
600 Bl. of Hill Rd. Pepper Mill Village, MD. MNCPPC PD on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by two individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
Fire: 2100 Block of I Street NE - 3 Story apartment building with smoke showing from 3rd floor upon arrival. Fire in room of an apartment on the third floor extinguished, checking for extension
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Shots fired, 7-8 heard near 2535 W Polk. Chicago
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Brooklyn *ALL HANDS* Box 0829 80 Cornelia St off Bushwick Ave FIRE 1ST FLOOR 3 STORY FRAME
Divas amatpersonas apstiprina, ka @ZelenskyyUa pameta Balto namu, neparakstot ekonomisko darījumu
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Teen arrested after Tucson middle school student dies of overdose
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9900 Bl. of Greenbelt Rd. Glenn Dale, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by 3 individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
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A man was killed in a crash Friday morning after his car ran off the road into a retention pond at the intersection of San Pablo Road and Sam Yepez Road, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
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BPPD says officers responded to the Huntington Place apartment complex in the 5800 block of 73rd Ave N., finding a "chaotic scene" and two people with gunshot wounds. One person died at the scene and the second person was transported to the hospital
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Shots fired, 6 heard near 6800 S Michigan. Chicago
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A 23-year-old man is facing charges after reportedly admitting to Tucson PD he left unsecured firearms around the house and then found his 3-year-old son dead with a gunshot wound
.@OmahaPolice are investigating a homicide at 2208 S 140th Plaza after being called for a cutting. Milan Jones was found down and transported to Bergan, where he died. The suspect, Nathan Dudley, was booked for 2nd degree murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony1 nedēļa atpakaļ
.@OmahaPolice are investigating a homicide at 2208 S 140th Plaza after being called for a cutting. Milan Jones was found down and transported to Bergan, where he died. The suspect, Nathan Dudley, was booked for 2nd degree murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony
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Police have arrested a 34-year-old Richmond man after a deadly double shooting outside a convenience store in October
Baltais nams atcēla preses konferenci, kas bija paredzēta pēc Trampa un Zelenska tikšanās
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Queens *ALL HANDS* Box 1132 650 Nasby Pl off Cornaga Ave FIRE 2ND FLOOR
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Two people are in custody after a drive-by shooting at a mobile home park in Cañon City, according to police
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2 arrested after Pleasanton mother finds her teenage sons dead inside shed, authorities say The two victims were 17 and 14 years old. Authorities say the unidentified suspects planned to rob them when "something went wrong"
@realDonaldTrump saka, ka Zelenskis var "atgriezties, kad būs gatavs". "Šodien Baltajā namā mums bija ļoti nozīmīga tikšanās. Tika uzzināts daudz, ko nekad nevarētu saprast bez sarunas zem šādas uguns un spiediena. Tas ir pārsteidzoši, kas iznāk caur emocijām, un es esmu noteicis, ka prezidents Zelenskis nav gatavs mieram, ja Amerika būs iesaistīta, jo viņš uzskata, ka mūsu iesaistīšanās dod viņam lielas priekšrocības sarunās. Es nevēlos priekšrocības, es gribu MIRU. Viņš necienīja Amerikas Savienotās Valstis tās lolotajā Ovālajā kabinetā. Viņš var atgriezties, kad būs gatavs mieram.
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Man dead after police shooting in northeast Albuquerque. No police officers were hurt in the shooting, according to the Albuquerque Police Department.
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One person killed in officer-involved shooting in northeast Albuquerque
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The child was rushed to the emergency room where they died of their injuries. The woman died at the scene, according to MFD
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Officials determine cause of Atlanta apartment that killed 3 children